LYFT | that’s Y


Why use Lyft instead of Uber? Look closely — the answer is right in the name.

When Lyft went public, we knew people would be asking why — why is Lyft different, why will it succeed, why should they care? We gave them a few good reasons to take the high road with a company that cares while also establishing a long-lasting brand identity.

Here are a few snapshots of the work; the full campaign included print, outdoor, video, web, digital, email, and social.




for once, the good thing, the right thing, the business thing
can be the same thing

we’re taking Lyft public. our success must include the success of our cities — they’re the foundation of our business, the epicenter of sustainable living, and the heart of our driver and rider community.

our vision is simple: to help redesign cities around people, not cars, and make seamless and affordable mobility available to all. this is both a responsibility and a market opportunity. we expect our business will grow along with the social, economic, and environmental benefits of making cities more liveable.

as a public company on Nasdaq, we will proudly invest in the public — our drivers, our riders, and the cities we call home.

rubber, meet road: we’re committing $50 million or 1% of profits each year — whichever is greater — to support grassroots transportation initiatives.

that’s y




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