
freelance copywriter | 2024 (remote)

  • Full-time role with Superette, DoorDash’s award-winning, in-house creative studio

  • Focused primarily on customer-facing communications at all layers of the funnel


creative lead | 2021-2023 (remote)

  • Partnered with the world-renowned COLLINS agency to create, evolve, support, and enforce a new brand system, including a fresh voice and tone

  • Led, wrote, managed, and approved copy and creative projects across the entire organization, including web, video, content, and ads for all departments


Senior Copywriter | 2020-2021 (remote)

  • Wrote and oversaw all campaigns and copy for Square's notoriously complex hardware org


Senior Copywriter | 2017-2020 (SF)

  • Ideated, pitched, and created award-winning 360 brand campaigns for Lyft’s internal agency


Senior Copywriter | 2016 (SF)

  • Ideated, pitched, and created social content for clients including Starbucks, PayPal, and HP


Senior Copywriter & Content Producer | 2014-2016 (NYC & SF)

  • Excelled in a hybrid writer-producer role before joining copy leadership for brands including Budweiser, Quaker, and Chase Bank

  • Produced top-tier work in the face of rapidly changing expectations from social platforms and the agency itself during the wild dawn of social advertising


Social Media Manager | 2013-2014 (NYC)

  • Acted as creative and project lead for all things social, including content creation, community management, performance analysis, and peer education about trends and best practices

Shecky’s magazine

Editor | 2011-2012 (NYC)

  • Climbed the ranks from contributor to editor, ultimately writing, editing, and managing copious content for the magazine’s flagship Nightlife section


continued coursework

UCB (2022-present)

  • Writing for Stand-Up | Londale Theus Jr.

  • Sketch Writing 201 | Marshall Stratton

  • Sketch Writing 101 | Kerry McGuire

  • Improv 201 | Ari Voukydis

  • Improv 101 | Dave Theune

Groundlings (2021)

  • Sketch Writing | Tom Blank

The Second City (2022)

  • Personal Essay Writing | James Gangl

  • Writing Satire for the Internet | Carlos Greaves

St. Nell’s (2022)

  • Funny Personal Essays | Elissa Bassist

  • Funny Frameworks for Fiction: Generative Writing for Longer Comedic Stories | Caitlin Kunkel

  • Writing Ugly: How to Write A Short Humor Piece When You're Not Feeling Creative | Jiji Lee


  • Satire Workshop | Sarah Pappalardo

independent (2022)

  • Narration and Form in Short Humor Writing | Luke Burns

  • Write MORE Short Humor Pieces | Luke Burns

UC Berkeley (2017)

  • The Craft of Writing | Dan Coshnear

general assembly (2016)

  • Storytelling for Success: How to Pitch, Present & Persuade

  • How to Be an Effective Manager


Pomona College

  • B.A. Liberal Arts | Major: Psychology